
Friday, June 18, 2010

Craft Shoutout

Happy Friday... I hope everyone has a wonderful Father's day weekend... I wanted to take a minute and just give a shoutout to some amazing crafters. Crafting is more than just a work of art is also a labor of love. It's something we create thinking of someone special and how what we do is going to make them feel. This week I made a book for a co-worker for her husband as part of a Father's Day gift from there daughter. When I was working on this book I was thinking about how I wanted this Father to feel when he received this book. I poured everything into this book and I amazed myself when it was done. I brought in the book this morning it was so awesome to see the look on her face when she thought about how much her husband would love this book. So these are the reasons why I do what I do because I know it brings happiness and joy to someone.

Ok no more sappy now on to the shoutouts. Here are some of the crafters that inspire me with there amazing creativty.

Robyn -
Emma -
Enfy -
Moralia -
Holly -
Momo -
Bug Junkie -

Ok there are so much more crafters that inspire me everyday but there is so much I couldn't post them all here. But I will be doing a montly shoutout so if you didn't see yourself here no worries. I will be posting more of my inspirational crafters/blogger every month. Also I would love to see more blogs and follow many more so post your links so I can swing by and check them out....

Also I want to tell you about Sonia check out her site she always has amazing tips. Hope you enjoy this post and will be going by to check out these wonderful ladies.

Live, Love Laugh


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